In class CS220 – Scripting Language , we students, are required to create an e-commerce website for our final project. We managed to make a group consists of three people: Evelyn Kharisma, Fansi Lantana, and Jeremy Nathaniel. The E-Commerce website we create, will contain functions such as: Login, Admin Interface and Settings, Wishlist, Shopping Cart, Purchasing Processes and Confirmation, and several additional general functions that are present in an E-Commerce website.
There are 3 different workloads to be done, which are Front-End, Back-End, and Database. This E-Commerce will be done using PHP and CodeIgniter Framework
These are the Minimum Requirements for us to work with:
- Use PHP framework. Suggestion: CodeIgniter
- Create the primary navigation bar (menu) for the site. It may be implemented as an image map or as a table of images, text or buttons.
- Create a help and login pages.
- Use appropriate href and/or alt (if image) tags for each menu item.
- Use the title tag to create an appropriate title in every page.
- Create a user registration form.
- Create a login/user authorization table in a database.
- Create administrator page(s).
- Use a shopping cart.
- The form should contain space for name, address, phone, email, gender etc (but should be appropriate)
- Utilize the image object and the onMouseOver event or other event to dynamically change images.
- Define styles using css and use them to give attributes to some html elements.
- Use a JavaScript function (at least 2 scripts).
- Use form elements such as text and selection boxes to gather user input/preferences.
- Use the date object to write the date from the server (you could put anywhere on your web).
- Create an inventory table in a database.
- Display inventory by category upon request from the main page
Sign Up, Login & Logout When logging in, there are 2 available outcomes, whether the person logging in is a user(customer) or an admin. If any users want to purchase an item but he/she hasn’t logged in yet, the website will prompt for them to either sign up or login first. Users are able to browse through the items without logging in though. Our database will verify whether the one logging in is a user or an admin
Admin Interfaces and Settings Admin Interfaces is the interface that an admin will see after the admin has successfully logged in to the system. In this interface, admin can simply change or edit the products and stocks available.
Wishlist and Shopping Cart Wishlist and shopping cart can ease users who wants to purchase an item, but they are still thinking about it. Users can delay the process and just put the product into a wishlist or shopping cart.
Purchasing Process and Confirmation The website will provide confirmation to the users when they want to purchase something. This will prevent users from buying a wrong product.
View Product
The users are able to browse through the catalog and view the product, may it be the description or the price of each product.
Team: Evelyn Kharisma 1701320825 Fansi Lantana 1701341741 Jeremy Nathaniel Sie 1701320365
Design: Anoukv Zanten 1901519004